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Top 3 technologies latin america developers are using

June 18, 2021

Tags: Technologies



As a nearshore company ourselves, we are very invested in what latin america software developers are doing, and how they are carrying out different projects, specifically, what technologies are they using.


By now, we have talked a lot about latin american developers, the impact they have had on the outsourcing market, how well they are doing compared to Asian software developers, and how to hire them.


However, it is time to talk about the technologies these developers are using, why they are using it, and what this means to you, as someone who is looking to work with developers from that region.


Most popular technologies in Latin America


Determine which technologies are the most popular ones depends directly on the amount of developers working with them. That being said, according to the research made by Stack Overflow at the beginning of 2018, JavaScript and HTML were extremely popular amongst latin american software developers, but they weren’t the only ones.


This research gathered important information from every center and south american country to determine the technologies developers were currently working with, and which ones they wished they were implementing more.


Amongst the technologies that developers use the most are:


  1. JavaScript

  2. HTML

  3. Python


It is important to mention that technologies such as C# and C are also very popular amongst south american developers, being some of the most popular programming languages.


It is also important to mention than according to a study made by HackerEarth, technologies such as Swift, Angular and Ruby are very popular in Argentina and Brazil as well.


1: JavaScript

JavaScript is the most popular programming language in Latin America, and probably in the whole world due to the fact it is supported by almost all web browsers currently existing like Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer.


Developers looking to create a web software solution tend to use JavaScript as their programming language for two main reasons: It is supported by mobile browsers as well, and it is easy to use and implement.


Keep in mind, JavaScript is part of three main components of any website (Being HTML and CSS the other two) and it’s responsible for the dynamic component of the web solution. To put it simply, Java is used to include dynamic features to a website. From menus, to graphics, to video players, they all rely on Java to be present on any web solution.


2: HTML and HTML5

Although HTML is one of the most popular computer languages worldwide and the #2 amongst Latin America developers, we’re going to talk about HTML5 as well, given it is the most recent version of the good old HTML.


HTML, like JavaScript, is a computer programming language used to create websites. Also known as Hypertext Markup Language, this technology is used to achieve different fonts, colours, graphics and effects on web pages, through tagging text files.


Back in 2014 a “new” version of HTML was released, also known as HTML5. It is still a hypertext markup language but this version actually integrates 3 types of code: Cascading Style Sheets, JavaScript and HTML itself.


This particular version was designed to deliver almost all features from a programming language exclusively online without having to install extra plugins and it will do absolutely anything that its asked to, games, videos, apps, and websites.


HTML5 is an open source cross-platform accessible to every user. This latest release includes a variety of elements, attributes and nehavious joined by new technologies that will allow developing even more powerful websites and applications.


3: Python

According to the official website of Python, it is a n object-oriented, interpreted programming language that focuses on dynamic semantics and high-level programming.


Unlike JavaScript and HTML, Python has a high-level data structure, dynamic binding and typing, a structure that allows it to be one of the preferred programming languages for rapid application development.


Although being a high-level programming language, Python is easy to use since it emphasizes on readability, and it’s perfect to connect existing programming components all in one. Latin american developers support Python as a programming language due to the fact it increases productivity levels and doesn’t support the compilation step method.


Honorable mentions


Although we have already talked about the top 3 technologies latin american developers are using, we also have to mention some technologies that didn’t make the top, but are still being used in most countries of the region, such as:


C sharp


Written C# but known as C sharp, this is a programming language created by Microsoft, specifically, and object oriented programming language or OPP that focuses on objects rather than actions, which means it these types of languages works with input data and, after processing it, comes with a new output data. C Sharp is made with the goal to combine the power of C++ with the Visual Basic Programing platform.


C ++

Think about the C++ programing language as an extension of the C language. Much as the rest of its kind, the C++ programming language is a Oriented Programming Language or OPP that comes with generic and basic features that allows users to create software infrastructures and different kinds of web applications as well. Amongst the things you can create by using this language are:


  1. Desktop applications

  2. E-commerce platforms.

  3. Websites


C++ aims to be a platform that leans towards efficient code and successfully provides tools that allows programmers to manager big, demanding development projects. Furthermore, this technology is constantly being updated to stay up to date as one of the most used programming languages in the market.


Ruby on rails


Ruby on rails is perhaps the most user-friendly framework currently available. Using Ruby programming language, this platforms strives to be accessible, easy to understand and provide the developers and programmers with a wide, well put together system that allows them to create multiple different applications (both web and mobile). Ruby on rails is an open-source software that users can use to create applications and collaborate to change the code of the platform itself.




Angular is used to develop dynamic and responsive web apps, it utilizes basic HTML language and lets developers extend it to necessary lengths to express exact components from an application.


Angular is often referred to as “what HTML would have been if it was designed for applications”. It’s core goal is to simplify web app developing, it has a comprehensive framework that gives developers everything needed for front-end web app developing.


In conclusion, Latin American software developers focus on working with functioning, popular programming languages that will adapt to any browser and will allow them to quickly create any web solution they might need.


If you would like to know which technologies we use here in Rootstack, don’t forget to check our technology tag, or contact us for any further information/help with your software development project!


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